Wednesday, November 26, 2008


To understand how drinking vinegars prevent illness and help to maintain health, we must first understand a little about the metabolism, of which Adolf Krebs, who discovered the Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) received recognition for his work on the metabolism by winning the noble prize in 1953.
The key bio-chemicals amino acids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are just some of the micro molecules, that are important to our life. Are produced in the process of fermentation of vinegar and are actually vital for our healthy cell development and the optimisation of the metabolic pathways. The metabolism is recycled around 1500 times a day, producing only one ATP each time, if the acids are not digested through diet, then the metabolism will be impaired, this is common logic.

So the body needs only the 8 essential amino acids, that it cannot reproduce itself to be optimised, drinking vinegar will deliver these compounds, when the weak vinegar is digested in the stomach, it breaks down to make co enzymes, which are delivered to the cells, that require them.
Proteins are made of amino acids, and Apple cider Vinegar is not a protein based drink, hence it's limited health value, compared to vinegars based with brown rice.
"Amino acids and proteins
Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as the proteins that form the cytoskeleton, a system of scaffolding that maintains the cell shape.[5] Proteins are also important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, active transport across membranes and the cell cycle." Source:

One central co enzyme is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy currency of cells. This nucleotide is used to transfer chemical energy between different chemical reactions. There is only a small amount of ATP in cells, but as it is continuously regenerated, the human body can use about its own weight in ATP per day.[14] ATP acts as a bridge between catabolism and anabolism, with catabolic reactions generating ATP and anabolic reactions consuming it. It also serves as a carrier of phosphate groups in phosphorylation reactions. Source:

If one does not get the essential substrates from vinegar, then the metabolism will not be optimised and it's quite possible, that ATP will not be produced, one will remain fatigued, exhausted. So drinking vinegar beverages ensures the supply of enzymes and co enzymes, to produce the ATP that is needed.

To see the animation of the citric acid cycle please click on the link, then click on 1st stage, the 2, then 3 Source :

Knowing that all the organic compounds are produced in the fermentation of drinking vinegar, can only be achieved using a protein material for the vinegar brewing, hence brown rice or red yeast rice are used for their independent health benefits. Again many Asian vinegars are brewed with rice, but lack the potency because they add fruit juice and do not ferment fruit juice, with the vinegar. Although the vinegars are good, but not the best for health.

Metabolism must be kick-started to lose weight, this can only be achieved by increasing the heart beat to a level of activity, so that fuel ATP is transported for energy needs to muscle cells, otherwise it will be stored in a fat depot. Just like a bear getting ready for hibernation! Although an optimised metabolism, will burn more calories, than an impaired one, so remember you need the vinegar compounds, with all the amino acids.

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