Friday, November 28, 2008

Composition of Vinegar

The 3 common kinds of vinegars are
  1. Fermented vinegars.
  2. Artificial Vinegar
  3. Fruit Vinegar
1. Fermented vinegars are mainly chosen from materials that are raw and starchy, most from grains including sorghum
2. Artificial vinegar is a mixture of acetic acid, sugar, salt and colorants
3. Fruit vinegars or vegetable vinegars, are made from soaking the materials in fermented vinegars.
Drinking vinegar beverages are all specially developed fermented vinegars, were fruits are fermented together with vinegar, it is such a specialised brewing process, that many breweries have difficulty in producing a vinegar that tastes, just like a juice drink.
There is however several in the market place, which are very good indeed, and it is almost impossible to tell, that they are vinegars, these beverages may well be classified as super foods, because of the health & wellness benefits, that are offered by the carefully chosen fruits for fermentation, and this is were becomes a specialist in drinking vinegars, because their aim is to provide the best quality, for value for money with the best health benefits, all fruits having individual response to the body needs through the culture of fermentation. Drinking vinegars are developed by the finest agricultural chemists, that have successfully been delivering health benefits since 1973 and was the first manufacturer to produce ready to drink vinegar beverages in Taiwan. Their head sales office for export is located in Singapore and the brewery is located in Taiwan, for further information email
The composition of natural, organically fermented vinegar consists of acetic acid, carbohydrates, amino acid and esters, rich in minerals, K, Ca, Mg, Zn and Phytochemical phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids
Cation (ion) mineral supply, acid metabolites excretion, and improvement of immune and defensive system.
Organic acid supplement, Urinary tract health, oral cavity and improving metabolism.
Phytochemical = antioxidant, inflammatory mediation and other bio activities.
Specifically fruits are abundant with health and here is a brief measure of High Antioxidant Fruits. Measured in Phenols per serving:
Cranberry half a cup 373
Pear I medium 166g 317
Red Grape half a cup 80g 296
Apple 1 medium 138g 256
Cherries half cup 73 g 231
Strawberries 8 medium 147g 195
Watermelon 2 cups diced 286g 183
Blueberries 70g 181
Banana 126g 174
Green grapes 80g 155
Source; Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (2001)
The intake of acid metabolites excretion benefits are lowering of blood pressure, postprandial blood sugar, reducing risk of cardiovascular disease, promoting antioxidant activity and nutrient metabolism. Source: Chang et al 2005; Johnson et al 2005; Ostman et al 2005.
All the compounds of fruit vinegars produce phytochemicals and their consumption has been associated with health and disease prevention, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and other polyphenols have exhibited positive effects on certain types of cancer Source: (Birt 2006) coronary heart disease (Hertog 1995) Inflammatory disorders ( Andriantsitohania et al 1999)
It really doesn't need a rocket scientist to tell us, that drinking vinegar breaks down other salts in the body, like uric acid salts, that crystallize within the joints, to give excruciating pain. Drinking vinegars are a life style change for the better!

Metabolism and ATP

ATP is the co enzyme that matters most, if the quality of energy is not optimised, fatigue and tiredness, will be the result, hence a vinegar, with amino acids, and the ability to provide the metabolism, with all the required compounds. Apple cider Vinegar is not good enough because of a lack of amino acids.

ATP is regenerated for every cycle of the metabolism citric acid cycle, only a small amount of ATP is produced in each cycle, and the body can use its own weight in ATP each day, so you can compare ATP as a kind of currency, fuel, energy, that is transported to cells within the muscles, like the fuel in a car....3 star 4 star, or 5 star.

You need the best fuel for the body, and drinking vinegar will provide the co enzymes, that fine tune the system if it is made with brown rice.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


But first let me express my concern over drinks that are very bad for your health, which are sold in the market place the world over. Not only is the problem related to drinks, but all food and beverages, you will be shocked, and i do hope that you will forward the message on around the world.

I will not name names, but inform you all, of the dodgy preservatives and artificial colourings, that may damage your health and that of your children, so please take this information seriously. I sincerely hope that everyone will have the good sense to forward this blog on to all those in your address book, with your help, maybe we can have an impact on the outcome around the world. Please ask your friends and relatives to bookmark this blog, so that we can all keep up to date on the disasters of consumerism. Your children and generation needs you to be aware of the harmful additives that are included and passed by the old system of food standards. Only the new biotechnology testing has been able to expose the dangers of what was passed safe many decades ago. Source : Sunday Independent UK. and Colourings

E211 Evidence highlights new fear over drinks

Coca-Cola to phase out use of controversial additive after DNA damage claim
FOOD & HEALTH Chemicals

Please book mark the blog and pass it on to all your friends around the world, help all global nations to wake up to the facts. and follow the story!

My sincere belief is that natural organic vinegars could possibly replace these E numbers, because of the natural preservative enzymes in vinegar, apparently sodium benzoate stops mold in beverages and food stuff, but vinegar does this also, and today's drinking vinegars have no vinegar taste, thanks to new bio tech.

Act now and send to all your friends please and I will set up a petition for all to register their complaint on the blogspot!!! Please send The Health Warning around the world asap. Thank you!

My Metabolism was lacking

Normally I run and train with weights 9 months of the year and have a break for 3 months, at this time i gain so much weight, due to a lack of exercise, and 10kg is not unusual, but i know, that when training, running 3 times a week for 1 hour each time, my body can burn off half a kilo a week.

At the time of the testing of drinking vinegar, I had a blood test with my doctor, to monitor the blood lipids and explained to her that i was controlling the effects of vinegar and would take a blood test in one months time to monitor any reaction.

I drank the vinegar with all meals 3 times a day and started training, my initial shock, after one week of running, and the loss of 1kg, was a surprise, which i noted. Not normal for me to lose 1kg, half kg used to be the normal for the last 15 years.
The month soon past by and i had lost 4.5kg and a second blood test, showed a reduction in all my lipids, so I continued the test for 6 months, and lost a staggering 18.5 kg back to my normal 80kg mark.

My doctor who actually said that vinegar wouldn't work, and it was just adding acid to more acid, had to relent, and except defeat, she really didn't know what she was talking about, and the biochemists did know. My blood lipids also reduced and especially my LDL cholesterol levels, to 1.4 My glucose level dropped also to a normal level, and my uric acid levels had been reduced to normal for the first time in 15 years, and i could bend my big toe again.

The testing was impressive and yet people i talked with couldn't believe it, even though i had the results on paper, I did however recommend that they do their own testing. because I have no intentions of trying to convince anyone.

The test was for myself, and i gave my full backing to my wife, and explained, that vinegar is in fact an energy drink, because it optimises the metabolic pathways, increasing the calorie burn rate and relieves fatigue. Every time I finish a run now, I drink vinegar to replenish the ATP for a quick recovery, and if i am running over 5km i take vinegar with me on the run, plus drink with my meals everyday.
I have seen a vast improvement in my health, before i was always suffering virus attacks and flue symptoms, due to my immune system, being impaired, I was always having cold sores and sinus problems...
I have no doubts whatsoever, that drinking vinegar, is natural in balancing the acidity and alkaline of the body, and it is more of a neutraliser of acids and alkaline'
If the pH of the body is not in balance, illness will eventually break through the immune system, so it is very important to get the enzymes and co enzymes for optimum protection, drinking vinegar will provide the protection one needs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


To understand how drinking vinegars prevent illness and help to maintain health, we must first understand a little about the metabolism, of which Adolf Krebs, who discovered the Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) received recognition for his work on the metabolism by winning the noble prize in 1953.
The key bio-chemicals amino acids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are just some of the micro molecules, that are important to our life. Are produced in the process of fermentation of vinegar and are actually vital for our healthy cell development and the optimisation of the metabolic pathways. The metabolism is recycled around 1500 times a day, producing only one ATP each time, if the acids are not digested through diet, then the metabolism will be impaired, this is common logic.

So the body needs only the 8 essential amino acids, that it cannot reproduce itself to be optimised, drinking vinegar will deliver these compounds, when the weak vinegar is digested in the stomach, it breaks down to make co enzymes, which are delivered to the cells, that require them.
Proteins are made of amino acids, and Apple cider Vinegar is not a protein based drink, hence it's limited health value, compared to vinegars based with brown rice.
"Amino acids and proteins
Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as the proteins that form the cytoskeleton, a system of scaffolding that maintains the cell shape.[5] Proteins are also important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, active transport across membranes and the cell cycle." Source:

One central co enzyme is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy currency of cells. This nucleotide is used to transfer chemical energy between different chemical reactions. There is only a small amount of ATP in cells, but as it is continuously regenerated, the human body can use about its own weight in ATP per day.[14] ATP acts as a bridge between catabolism and anabolism, with catabolic reactions generating ATP and anabolic reactions consuming it. It also serves as a carrier of phosphate groups in phosphorylation reactions. Source:

If one does not get the essential substrates from vinegar, then the metabolism will not be optimised and it's quite possible, that ATP will not be produced, one will remain fatigued, exhausted. So drinking vinegar beverages ensures the supply of enzymes and co enzymes, to produce the ATP that is needed.

To see the animation of the citric acid cycle please click on the link, then click on 1st stage, the 2, then 3 Source :

Knowing that all the organic compounds are produced in the fermentation of drinking vinegar, can only be achieved using a protein material for the vinegar brewing, hence brown rice or red yeast rice are used for their independent health benefits. Again many Asian vinegars are brewed with rice, but lack the potency because they add fruit juice and do not ferment fruit juice, with the vinegar. Although the vinegars are good, but not the best for health.

Metabolism must be kick-started to lose weight, this can only be achieved by increasing the heart beat to a level of activity, so that fuel ATP is transported for energy needs to muscle cells, otherwise it will be stored in a fat depot. Just like a bear getting ready for hibernation! Although an optimised metabolism, will burn more calories, than an impaired one, so remember you need the vinegar compounds, with all the amino acids.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drinking vinegar, was probably first discovered by the Roman Legionnaires, it appears they accidentally made vinegar, while brewing wine, hence the term sour wine.

Health benefits of brewed vinegar have been known for hundreds if not thousands of years, with folk lore prevailing, the trend of vinegar drinking for health has been passed down through the generations of time and will no doubt continue by word of mouth.

Apple cider vinegar is amazingly so popular, thanks to the efficient methods of marketeers, and the consumers themselves, although little do consumers know, about the real facts of quality vinegars.

My last 4 years, I have dedicated to digging in the muck pile, to discover the truth of vinegars for health and low and behold, apple cider vinegar is rated at the bottom of the drinking vinegar list! Why may you well ask?

Well the main reason is that biotechnology has become a very popular way of understanding the materials used for making vinegars, in this day and age, agricultural chemists develop vinegars, purely for their health benefits, and the traditional apple cider farms are still brewing the traditional apple cider, yuck!
Now this isn't to say apple cider is not good, because it is, for certain ailments, but apple cider vinegar can hardly keep pace, when traditional vinegar makers are not qualified in biochemistry...

Hence todays drinking vinegars, are taking market share from apple cider vinegars, based only on facts, that apple cider vinegar is limited in it's health quality, when compared to Red grape, Cranberry, plum... How can this be, you may well ponder, but common knowledge of the fruits nutrient values are to blame, the higher amount of nutrients, and natural compounds within the fruits, the better, and the longer the fruits are fermented, the smoother the taste of the vinegar.

I suppose one may consider vinegar, non alcoholic wine, because the process of making vinegar, is to follow the wine process and then ferment it again until all the alcohol is fermented away. After 4 years of drinking and researching vinegars, i feel most qualified to call myself a connoisseur of vinegars, and I am quite proud of the fact, that my research and testing of one particular brand, was a great success, when comparing other brands.

"Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known simply as cider vinegar, is made from cider or apple must and has a brownish-yellow color. It often is sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with the mother of vinegar present, as a natural product. It is very popular, partly due to alleged beneficial health and beauty properties. Due to its acidity, apple cider vinegar may be very harsh, even burning to the throat. If taken straight (as opposed to use in cooking), it can be diluted (e.g. with fruit juice, honey, or sugar) before drinking.[3] Others dilute it with warm water and add some honey.[4] There have been reports of acid chemical burns of the throat in using the pill form." Source:

Rice Vinegar is the base material for most Asian vinegars, although specially brewed drinking vinegars, for health would use brown rice, or red yeast rice, firstly because brown rice is abundant with amino acids, and the red yeast rice is called so because of the bacteria, which is grown on the rice. Rice vinegars are much more mellow, than western vinegars, and are better used for drinking health vinegars.
One needs to be very careful when choosing vinegars, due to the fact, that vinegars lack strict controls, especially in some Asian countries and a multitude of additives maybe added, so it is always a wise step, to question the process of brewing.

Rice vinegar is most popular in the cuisines of East and Southeast Asia. It is available in "white" (light yellow), red, and black varieties. The Japanese prefer a light and more delicate rice vinegar for the preparation of sushi rice and salad dressings. Red rice vinegar traditionally is colored with red yeast rice, although some Chinese brands use artificial food coloring instead. Black rice vinegar (made with black glutinous rice) is most popular in China, although it also is produced in Japan (see East Asian black, below). It may be used as a substitute for balsamic vinegar, although its dark color and the fact that it is aged may be the only similarity between the two products.
Some varieties of rice vinegar are sweetened or otherwise seasoned with spices or other added flavorings.

Now to blow the myth of some famous and very expensive vinegars, traditionally manual laboured vinegar production in clay pots, is a very time consuming pass time, but my relative myth blowing is the actual quality and health benefits, like i mentioned early, traditional farmers, brewed vinegar for generations and passed on the methods of fermentation production, however, they are no match for agricultural biochemists, that have studied the art and technology to produce better tasting mother vinegars, with healthier benefits.

Truly superfoods, that are functional drinking vinegar beverages, delivering all the properties and enzymes to enhance the metabolic cycle, using brown rice for amino acids, and fermentation of the fruits, together in the brewing process, not how most Japanese and Chinese traditional brewers make their vinegars.

Obviously to ferment the fruit with brown rice, is better than adding fruit juice, to vinegar, it speaks for itself, so caution is needed, when purchasing health vinegars, make sure the fruits are fermented and not just juice added, after the vinegar is made!

All about vinegars and health

In 2004, I decided to do some soul searching into drinking vinegar, not only because of the reputation of apple cider vinegar and health benefits, but because i was fortunate enough to know a manufacturer of health vinegars in Taiwan, through my wife who was very interested in the idea of importing and distribution of the product.

Naturally, i became concerned about the potential of the vinegars and there health benefits, it all sounded very promising, but did it really work, that's what i was interested in, because I didn't wish to give my wife support in a product, that didn't live up to the challenge of passing my tests, my main concern was that i couldn't recommend a drinking vinegar, if it failed my testing.

Research is not new to me, I am qualified in business and risk assessment for export, so I decided to undertake my own evaluation of the product, and the only way to do this was to become knowledgeable about how vinegars are made, and of what materials they are made from.

My other interest in athletics, running, weight training and general all round fitness, was in my favour, i have had over 33 years of sports interest and nutrition, I know the workings of the human body very well, with sufficient bio chemistry understanding to allow me to make an honest opinion on drinking vinegars, which would also add, to the credibility of the products on test.

Drinking vinegar was all new to me, and also very interesting to discover the roots of the sour wine, but my main interest was health today, not so much about the firstly I will tell you, there are only 3 types of classification for vinegars and only one healthy vinegar.
  1. Specially brewed Vinegar

  2. Synthetic Vinegar

  3. A mixture of the two

I think it's obvious to say, number one is the only choice one should be concerned with, and consumers should avoid the other two like the plague, unless they are using them for external usage, like disinfecting, crop spraying or other forms of preventative attacks from molds, viruses, insects whatever, vinegars are ideal for the job, although cost is usually taken into account when disinfecting and cleaning.

There are many brands in the market place, that a blend of brewed and synthetic vinegars are used. I avoid these mixed vinegars and have always used brewed vinegars, coming from the famous chippy land, (french fries)of UK, use brewed malt in most cases. Which is a very good vinegar for food, but not at all recommended for drinking.

Distilled vinegar, has no health benefits at all, and is just a mixture of distilled water and the chemical acetic acid, ideal for cleaning that's about all, in my opinion.

Specially brewed vinegars are all weak acids, that dilute in water and once ingested, breakdown in the stomach acid, which is around pH 2, the vinegar effects on the pH 2, are of an alkaline effect, because the vinegar dilutes when consumed, raising the pH value higher in the stomach.

So the myth of adding more acid to the stomach maybe correct to a certain extent, but the truth of the matter is that it does have an alkaline effect once consumed, not an acid effect.

Vinegars are neutralisers of acids & alkaline and this is easy put to the test with litmus paper