Friday, November 28, 2008

Metabolism and ATP

ATP is the co enzyme that matters most, if the quality of energy is not optimised, fatigue and tiredness, will be the result, hence a vinegar, with amino acids, and the ability to provide the metabolism, with all the required compounds. Apple cider Vinegar is not good enough because of a lack of amino acids.

ATP is regenerated for every cycle of the metabolism citric acid cycle, only a small amount of ATP is produced in each cycle, and the body can use its own weight in ATP each day, so you can compare ATP as a kind of currency, fuel, energy, that is transported to cells within the muscles, like the fuel in a car....3 star 4 star, or 5 star.

You need the best fuel for the body, and drinking vinegar will provide the co enzymes, that fine tune the system if it is made with brown rice.

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